The 60-Day Heal and Transform Program

A Very Timely Program to Transform Stress and Overload into Clarity and Empowerment

Awaken the Master Healer Within You

Discover the New Version of You

Dr. Darren Starwynn is an internationally-known “healer to the healers”, author and innovator. He is known as a “quantum catalyst” because so many people have had major positive shifts in their lives and careers after receiving just a few individual sessions with him or participating in his group events.  His passion is empowering healthcare professionals and healers to claim their higher healing abilities for themself and others while expanding their sense of abundance.  The program described below will support you in starting to claim those outcomes within 60 days.

So many people’s lives seem to be full of stress, uncertainty and isolation these days.  It can seem that external circumstances are holding you back from living the life you really want.  Yet when you’re in a state of clarity and energy flow, embodying and sharing more of your true, unbroken self, this could be the best time of your life.  

Claiming your higher healing abilities and a more emowered, integrated life usually requires a clearing and repatterning of old, limiting subconscious mental programming, as well as upgrading your body energy systems. 

 In truth your body and mind are made up of vibrating energy fields.  

Your sense of well-being and fulfillment has everything to do with your ability to flow and process energy in your body.  When that’s happening efficiently you feel grounded, energized and tend to come from a place of inner calm.  You’re less reactive to people and situations, and you find yourself creating from a place of abundance and joy.   On the other hand when your body energy systems are blocked or imbalanced it’s easy to feel stressed, drained, overloaded or in pain. 

"Please, please keep doing what you are doing.  No one is doing this work for healers that you do.  I am increasing my vibration quickly and exponentially"  Kristine B., L. Ac. Acupuncturist

Apply now to receive A special reduced fee offer

The Heal and Transform program includes:

Two Private Quantum Catalyst Healing and Coaching Sessions with Dr. Starwynn

These healing sessions can be received from anywhere via telephone or Zoom conference.  These sessions include Quantum Catalyst Healing, energy balancing and clearing of energetic blocks as is necessary. If you’re dealing with pain or disease conditions you’ll also receive a personal energetic evaluation to help you uncover and address any hidden root causes.

Clients often report noticeable positive shifts within a single Quantum session with Darren, and two sessions takes you further and provides needed integration.  Personal intuitive guidance on your path forward will be offered by request.

Learn Powerful Methods for Self-Healing with Quantum Energy

Through a series of 9 clear, brief video lessons you will gain an understanding of the quantum field of energy, and how you can work with it for profound self-healing or healing of others.  This will empower you to get more in touch with your own Master Healer essence.

A personalized plan of special meditation practices

Designed for grounding and clearing your energy, including instructional videos.  These are different from most common meditation practices because they are focused on promoting greater embodiment of your true self within your body and energy systems.   Offered upon request as part of the Heal & Transform program.

Admission to live, bi-weekly Lightworker Community conferences

Join conferences on Zoom where you can be informed, inspired and enjoy group meditations.  Some sessions support you in activating your own healer abilities as well as group healings for individuals or the Earth.

Access to the Ascension Practices member website

Browse and watch videos of some of Dr. Starwynn’s most popular teachings and guided practices, as well as archives of Zoom group conferences you wish to review.

Available time slots for this program are limited and will fill up quickly. Click "Enroll Now" to begin.

Testimonials from Darren’s past Quantum Healing clients

Shanon M.

Wellness Business Owner

Dr. Eilzabeth S.


"I consulted with Dr. Starwynn because I needed support with managing a challenging patient load and feeling somewhat spiritually stuck.  I received such tremendous benefit from two sessions with him.  I felt much more alive and connected with my core spirituality in such a way I felt not only grounded in my own life, but with much greater ability to impact the lives of my patients."

Ahnna G.

Licensed Acupuncturist

“I personally received such a healing during this course I am forever grateful – something I had been struggling with for so long has been cleared… the Quantum Field of light will be a part of every treatment from this day forward.”

Lauren B.


“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the work we did in our session. I really felt that our session and my continued self work has been changing my belief system about healing and having control of my life."

Ming-Sung A.


“I am very happy to have met Darren.  He led me to another spiritual space and healing energy spectrum huge and limitless.  I just opened a new window in my healing field and I am very excited about newer, broader and deeper (spiritual, physical, emotional energy fields) journey in my future.  Thank you very much!”

How to Get Started


Step 1: Apply to Enroll

To apply for inclusion into this program click the Enroll Now button to fill out brief questionnaire about your requests and health


Step 2: Schedule Initial Session

After qualifying you will immediately be able to schedule your first Quantum Catalyst session with Darren.  You will be given all the materials and instructions you need to complete the 60-Day Transformation.


Step 3: Heal and Transform

Connect with peers in Lightworker Conferences. Experience your Quantum Catalyst private sessions. Follow your personalized meditation plan. Explore the premium content on Ascension Practices. Follow the directions in the video series and take charge of your life.





  • Two Private Quantum Catalyst Healing and Coaching Sessions (70-90 minutes each)
  • Your personalized plan of special meditation practices
  • Bio-Energetic Self-Healing Instructional Videos
  • live, bi-weekly Lightworker conferences on zoom
  • Lifetime Access to Ascension Practices Member Website

Dr. Darren Starwynn

Darren has had a long career as acupuncturist, writer, healer and teacher, integrating therapeutic systems from around the world.  He has written three groundbreaking books, led hundreds of workshops and seminars, invented several vibrational devices used worldwide and helped develop advanced mind-body healing systems.

Thousands of people have been directly or indirectly touched by Darren's offerings, and he has inspired many colleagues to expand the scope of their work to include energy medicine and consciousness-based healing systems. His healing work integrates vibrational technologies with multi-dimensional quantum healing to help people rapidly release old trauma, pain and limitations to their full, joyful self-expression.

"Consciousness is the solution to all our personal and planetary problems. Now is the time to reclaim your power and remember who you really are. This is the truest form of healing."

The Heal and Transform Program is Appropriate If You:

• Would like to identify and clear the hidden roots of chronic pain, anxiety or mystery illnesses that no one can seem to fully help you with

• Are ready for greater embodiment of the light of your true self in your physical body and energy field

• Still feel dragged down sometimes by old emotional wounding, even after years of diligent work on yourself

• Are inspired to create your next project, business or creative expression but are having a hard time actualizing it

• Feel like you are in a profound process of conscious awakening, and yet still feel discombobulated sometimes

• Know that you have healer abilities and want help and mentoring in expressing it.  This usually involves going through deeper levels of self-healing and claiming your inner power

Activate the Master Healer Within

Darren’s greatest passion is empowering healthcare professionals, healers and the public to deeply heal through knowing and embodying their true, unbroken self. Darren teaches that each of us has one or more “super powers” that we can learn to identify and bring out for our greatest self-expression, financial success and service to others.  One of Darren’s super powers is his ability to integrate scientific, medical and spiritual information into teaching lessons and clinical techniques that are clear and effective, and deliver these within a transformative field of higher Light.
