How the Quantum Healing Tools for Practitioners & Coaches program works:
The program is crafted to fit the schedules of busy, engaged professionals and includes these elements:

Learn “best of the best” methods and techniques through watching concise online video lessons at your own pace. Fill out short worksheets after watching each lesson to increase your retention. Click here to view content of included lessons

Accelerate your own healing and awakening process by receiving 4 private Quantum Healing and coaching sessions with Dr. Darren Starwynn. Includes three full sessions (60 - 90 minutes each) plus one 45 minute integration session, in-person or remotely. LIMITED AVAILABILITY - ENROLL SOON! Read testimonials from Darren’s private clients

Practice cutting-edge methods and enjoy conscious community of awesome people through bi-weekly Zoom video conference calls

Make new connections, receive support, and stay motivated through active online participation.
Program Video Lessons
These 8 videos lessons are some of the most popular and appreciated lessons from the Bridge to Mastery Institute. Studying one 20–45 min lesson every 2 weeks will be enough to keep up with this part of the program, although you can move through them more quickly if you want.
After you watch each video lesson, you’ll be instructed to fill out a useful accompanying worksheet to help you retain your learning.
Lesson One
Healing in the Quantum Field
You’ll learn a simple 5-step process you can do in 1 – 2 minutes to prepare your treatment room, event room, or online setting to be a clear, sacred space that supports rapid transformation and breakthrough results. This lesson is the distillation of decades of study, experimentation, and refinement on Darren’s part.
This lesson also contains simple instructions on how to start offering Quantum Healing sessions to your clients as part of your range of services.
Lesson Two
Knowing Who You Really Are
We think we know who we are, but do we, really? This lesson helps you access deep self-knowledge so that you may claim your true spiritual power.
Lesson Three
See Them As Already Whole
You’ll cut past lots of limited healing techniques in this lesson to learn the #1 secret of masterful (even “miracle”) healers and coaches: seeing clients as already whole and perfect. You’ll be taken through a transformative shift so you can start embodying and practicing that approach to healing.
Lesson Four
Holding Presence – Secret of
the Zero Point
In this lesson, you learn how to hold Presence as the Divine in action. You’ll be led through a process to attune yourself to the “Zero Point” within – the place of unity and stillness ¬– which will grace you with an energy that clients experiencing stress, pain, inner blockages, anxiety or chronic diseases will find soothing, relaxing, and deeply healing.
Lesson Five
Receiving Intuitive Higher
You were born with the ability to sense subtle energies, communicate telepathically and see into the spirit world. Most of us closed off these abilities as we grew up. In this lesson, you’ll gain tools to cultivate or enhance your intuitive abilities. These include 5 forms of dowsing – methods of getting reliable “yes” or “no” answers to questions about optimal ways to work with clients or make personal decisions. This lesson includes instruction on developing the crucial art of discernment between guidance that is true and clear, and energies that can be deceptive.
Lesson Six
Recharging in Reality: Start
or Reboot Your Meditation
In this lesson you’ll be led to start or update your meditation practice so you can enjoy your own calm center and operate at peak levels. You’ll learn about the amazing health benefits of meditation, and then be guided through the meditation instruction resources in the Bridge to Mastery Knowledge Base.
Lesson Seven
How to Stay Healthy as an
Energy Worker
You’ll gain new insights and practical tools for staying healthy, or even building your vitality through this lesson. You’ll learn what factors can weaken or compromise the energy fields of your body, and the ultimate method for protecting yourself . You’ll also learn 8 specific energy protection tools that are essential for healers and coaches, including how to do energy clearing before and after each client.
Lesson Eight
Block Clearing Process
When your clients (or you yourself) feel “something” holding them back from doing what they know would be in their best interest, they are dealing with an energy blockage. These blockages can run very deep, and are often based in a myriad of hidden influences. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to take clients (or yourself) through a Block Clearing Process that can rapidly free them without the need to understand or analyze what the block is. This is a particularly powerful tool for healthcare practitioners or coaches, because so many clients come to us because they feel held back in some area of their self-expression. It works so well because it is based in higher dimensional healing methods.
Lesson Nine
Multi-Dimensional Clearing Protocol, Part One
Learn this powerful system for identifying and clearing a variety of hidden psychic “baggage” that has been blocking or reducing your client’s ability to heal. This baggage (also referred to as “residoo-doo) includes energetic cords, old vows, limiting agreements, implants, entities and more. You will learn how to facilitate these being cleared through the Quantum Field of light.
Lesson Ten
Multi-Dimensional Clearing Protocol, Part Two
This Lessons provides further specifics on how to work with clients to help them clear each of the influences described in Part One. You will also learn when “processing” is needed and when it is not necessary.
Lesson Eleven
Identifying and Connecting with Your Tribe
Your Tribe is the group of people who already resonate with you, and with whom you have a “soul contract” to heal and serve. If you would love to attract and treat more people who are on your wavelength and who are ready to do deeper work you will appreciate this very practical lesson!
“I personally received such a healing during this course I am forever grateful – something I had been struggling with for so long has been cleared… the Quantum Field of light will be a part of every treatment from this day forward.” Ahnna Goossen, L.Ac., Gilroy, CA
This is personal nourishment and affirmation for each of us, not in intellectual knowledge as much as emotional, spiritual challenge to go inside and help clear ourselves so our abilities are enhanced as healers, doctors and simply as humans. Thank you for that. Joshua Piagentini, Acupuncturist, San Francisco, CA
“Darren is a joyful, unpretentious example of a great teacher. I came away with a renewed sense of dedication to help others using quantum healing, multi-dimensional clearing, voice dialogue, trauma release techniques and a general state of confidence as I move into new areas of healing. I am so grateful for this retreat and the Bridge to Mastery school.” Judith Hazelett, LMT, Payson, AZ
To read many more testimonials and feedback about Bridge to Mastery Consciousness Institute click here
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