Quantum Tools for Practitioners and Coaches

How To Get Started

This training will give you powerful Quantum healing tools you can put into practice right away.  Activating your higher healing abilities requires the learning of new skills in parallel with accelerated personal transformation. This program will support you both ways, with a time commitment that is practical for busy, engaged people.

This Program Includes

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    Video Lessons: Learn “best of the best” methods and techniques through watching concise online video lessons at your own pace. Fill out short worksheets after watching each lesson to increase your retention. These are some of the most popular lessons from the Bridge to Mastery Institute.
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    Private Sessions: Accelerate your own healing and awakening process by receiving 3 private Quantum Healing and coaching sessions with Dr. Darren Starwynn. Includes two full 1.5 hour sessions plus one 45 minute integration session, in-person or remotely.
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    Live Online Community: Practice cutting-edge methods and enjoy conscious community of great people through bi-weekly Zoom video conference calls.
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    Member Forum and Private Facebook Page: Make new connections, receive support, and stay motivated through active online participation.

How To Get Started:

If you have not already completed any of the steps listed below, please do these now to get started with the program:

  • 1
    Go to www.BridgetoMastery.com and click Register at top right.  Create a free account on the Bridge to Mastery Institute site.
  • 2
    Fill out two questionnaires.  Your replies will allow you to receive the individualized support you need.


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