As you probably know from media reports, our country has a big problem with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Thousands of service people have returned from active duty complaining of nightmares, traumatic flashbacks, headaches, insomnia and depression. A high percentage of them have turned to drugs and alcohol for self-medication. These veterans are at high […]
Tag Archives: trauma
From Autonomy to Intimacy
Autonomy is keeping your emotional boundaries up and being independent. Intimacy is letting your boundaries down so you can be vulnerable with another person. I’d say it is a safe bet to say that relationships are something we put a great deal of our time, energy and money toward. We invest all that into some […]
The Modern Epidemic of PTSD, and a More Effective Method for Resolving It
By Darren Starwynn In this article you will learn about a new way to understand the roots of the current epidemic of chronic stress and PTSD in our culture. After this introduction I will present a new method for helping to resolve pernicious stress that is showing a high level of effectiveness, even after other […]
The Four Elements of Mastery for Acupuncturists and Holistic Practitioners
By Darren Starwynn, O.M.D. The word mastery is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “possession or display of great skill or technique”. We all know holistic practitioners who stand out from their peers by creating extraordinary patient results with a high degree of consistency. I have done everything I can to learn from these people […]